
Chinese city Changsha to preserve 1,000-year-old walls

A city in China where 1,000-year-old walls were discovered last year has now decided to preserve them as heritage structures.

Beijing: A city in China where 1,000-year-old walls were discovered last year has now decided to preserve them as heritage structures.
The walls with a total length of 120 metres were found in November at a construction site of a shopping mall in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, China Daily reported Monday.
However, only one-sixth -- or 20 metres -- of the walls would be preserved and the bulk will be moved out of the city over flood concerns. The walls were part of the city during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), said Jiang Wenhui, vice head of the Hunan Administration of Cultural Relics. The relocated section of the walls may later become part of a nearby tourist site, the official said. IANS