
George Clooney used one phone call in jail to call his mum

George Clooney, who was arrested on Friday for protesting outside the Sudanese embassy in US, revealed that he used the “one phone call” rule to ring his mother.

London: George Clooney, who was arrested on Friday for protesting outside the Sudanese embassy in US, revealed that he used the “one phone call” rule to ring his mother.
The actor, who was arrested by the Washington DC police with his father Nick and other protestors, has since been released.
“Who did I call? My mom… Nothing ever changes,” the Mirror quoted him as telling reporters after his release. After signing out of the police station, he spoke to the media and had a little joke about being a criminal. “It is on my permanent record… And you know that that picture’s going to be all over everything,” he said. “It was really rough, you can imagine… Have you ever been in a cell with these guys? “Paid a fine, we were all in a cell together, it was nice. It is my first arrest, thanks for asking. And let’s hope it’s my last,” he added. However, he used the opportunity to talk about his reasons for standing his ground outside the Embassy. “Listen, what we’ve been trying to achieve today is we’re trying to bring attention to an ongoing emergency. Our job right now is to try to bring attention to it, and one of those ways was, apparently, get arrested,” he said. “We just came back [from Sudan], the real danger of course is there are people dying everyday there. Tens of thousands of people are going to die of starvation. That’s man-made. This isn’t a famine, this is a man-made tragedy. “You never know if you’re going to accomplish anything, all we’re trying to do is bring attention to a moment. We hope this brings attention to it,” he added. ANI