
Tom Cruise banned Katie Holmes from kissing co-stars in posters

Tom Cruise had apparently banned Katie Holmes from appearing in photos, which showed her kissing co-stars.

London: Tom Cruise had apparently banned Katie Holmes from appearing in photos, which showed her kissing co-stars.
The 50-year-old also refused to let her fly with fellow actors — insisting she used his private jet so as to enable his entourage to keep an eye on her.
The claims emerged as the 33-year-old, who filed for divorce last week, was pictured looking painfully thin in a backless top in New York, on Thursday. A source told a leading daily, that Scientology cult member Cruise had ordered film bosses to scrap any promotional posters which showed her in “compromising” positions for a movie in 2005. “Tom treated her like a robot, taking every decision about her public and private life,” the source added. ANI