
Paul McCartney immortalized on PETA stamp

PETA launched a new stamp range featuring the likes of the 20 most famous vegetarians of all-time.

London: People for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA) have launched a new stamp range featuring the likes of the 20 most famous vegetarians of all-time, including veteran singer sir Paul McCartney.
McCartney along with Natalie Portman, Pamela Anderson and Morrissey have agreed to feature on the stamp which will be released in the us Tuesday.
"These are very influential people, and not everyone knows that these folks are vegetarian," quoted Lisa Lange, vice president, as saying. Lange believes the special edition stamps will convince more people to give up eating meat: "it`s just another way to be able to talk about what animals go through in slaughterhouses." The stamps can be purchased throughout December at IANS