
Horoscope December 11: Cancerians need to be cautious while Librans have to keep their patience today

Horoscope December 11: Libra - Try not to overthink, you'll only get paralyzed by the details. Nothing is set in stone right now, so spending any energy getting all hyped up about something is a total waste of time. Your hopes should stay planted firmly in reality. You have to be patient, and admit that you can't know for certain what will happen.

Horoscope December 11: Cancerians need to be cautious while Librans have to keep their patience today

Check your horoscope prediction and know how the stars and planets in your respective zodiac sign will affect your day today.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) - Today is a the day for some good, old-fashioned physical exercise! Take a walk someplace you would ordinarily drive to, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do some sit-ups while you are watching television. The idea is to get your body moving and your blood pumping. So start small and see how you like it.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) - Today is the day for you to stand up for yourself, say 'no' to a pompous person whose arrogance verges on rudeness! If you feel you're being talked down to by the higher-ups, you owe it to yourself to push back, diplomatically, of course. You are good at this and can easily put this person in their place without offending them or putting them on the defensive. So don't hesitate to do it!

Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) - Today is not the day to get into arguments as it brings out the worst in people. So if someone takes a cheap shot at you today, you have to let it roll off your back. Rise above it, keep the conversation about the problem at hand, not their personal issues. Learning how to solve disputes is one of the most valuable skills you can cultivate, and it's one you can master if you stay focused.

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) - Something shocking and a bit outrageous could happen today, and you need to be prepared for it. Don't react immidiately, stop and review the situation thoroughly. It is not what it looks like at first glance, so if you give in to a knee-jerk reaction, you'll regret it in a big way later. Be objective, analytical, and cautious. 

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) - Try to be a little honest today, do not edit yourself much. You shouldn't say everything that comes to mind, but you should be more open. You'll get what you want much more quickly if you speak honestly and from the heart. Be it professionally or in personal life, you need to be frank and even a little bit vulnerable.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) - You've just climbed one heck of a mountain, and you deserve a big pat on the back, just make sure that pat is is by someone else's hand, though. Being too quick to boast about your achievement could make your achievemnt look a little cheap. Besides, the applause from other people (which is sure to come) will be the icing on the cake.

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22) - Try not to overthink, you'll only get paralyzed by the details. Nothing is set in stone right now, so spending any energy getting all hyped up about something is a total waste of time. Your hopes should stay planted firmly in reality. You have to be patient, and admit that you can't know for certain what will happen.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) - There is always a balance of power in any relationship and who does what should be shifting back and forth regularly. If it is not, then today is the day to bring that up. If you're the one always making plans in the relationship then ask the other person to think of something or vice versa.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) - If you're currently in a romantic relationship expect things to change dramatically. The growth spurt that you were hoping for is coming. You two are about to shoot ahead a little bit faster than you imagined, so be ready for the shock. If you single then you will find more joy than ever in your independent status.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) - Today, you need to be aware that people are putting on a bit of a show for you, either because they want to impress you or because they want to trick you. Whenever others appear to be something they're not, you must beware. Accept their flattery politely, but don't believe them. People who have the widest smiles are sometimes the people who have the most negative agendas.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) - The biggest problem with power struggles is that they often distract you from what really matters. It's not important who's behind the wheel right now. What matters is finding a solution to the problem. Today, you will have to put your own desires aside and think of the greater good. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) - If you want to make today a productive day, you're going to have to get opinions from other people while at the same time avoiding inflicting your opinions on them! It sounds like tricky business, but if anyone can pull it off with grace, it is you. So focus on getting input from others because, right now, what they say goes.