
`The Human Torch` of Fantastic Four killed off by Marvel

The death of Johnny Storm, `The Human Torch`, has made The Fantastic Four, the Marvel superhero team, a trio.

London: The death of Johnny Storm, `The Human Torch`, has made The Fantastic Four, the Marvel superhero team, a trio.
In the newest issue No. 587, Storm`s life was taken amid a massive battle, reports the Telegraph.
Joe Quesada, Marvel`s chief creative officer, recognized that death, while potent, is not necessarily lasting and that the death of a character in comics has turned out "to be very cliché" in plot developments. "Whether the human torch comes back or not is really a question that will be answered in time," he said. Tom Brevoort, senior vice president for publishing at Marvel, said that "588 is the final issue of the Fantastic Four. Beyond that, we`re not ready to say exactly what we`re doing. There won`t be an issue 589."