
Niggling doubts before marriage? Beware!

Couples about to marry shouldn`t ignore doubts about a life together, or they might regret it later, warns a researcher.

Toronto: Couples about to marry shouldn`t ignore doubts about a life together, or they might regret it later, warns a researcher.
"If you are having doubts about the relationship, just ignoring them may make a difference years down the road," says Matthew Johnson, who co-authored the study while at Kansas State University, US.
He is now assistant professor of human ecology at the University of Alberta. The study found that couples who were more confident as they exchanged marriage vows also spent more time together 18 months into the marriage, and were still happy sharing life with their spouses at the three-year mark, the journal Family Process reports. The study used existing research data to weigh the marital confidence of 610 newly wed couples over a period of four years, according to an Alberta statement. Those who were most confident at the outset of matrimony were still showing their happiness by sticking together as a couple after the honeymoon was long over. "These couples were spending time together, dining out, taking part in activities together, sharing meaningful conversation and physical expressions of affection. Those who are more confident in getting married are willing to invest in their relationships," Johnson said. In a time when divorce is prevalent, dealing with relationship issues up front is key, even if it could dim the glow of romance, according to Johnson. "It is tempting to push those concerns down and just go with the flow, but couples need to remember, the doubts you are having are there for a reason and dealing with them will be beneficial," concluded Johnson. IANS