
Celine Dion`s twins baptized

Singer Celine Dion and husband Rene Angelil have baptized their four-month-old twins at a private ceremony in Las Vegas.

New York: Singer Celine Dion and husband Rene Angelil have baptized their four-month-old twins at a private ceremony in Las Vegas.
"It was a beautiful, traditional family ceremony," a website quoted Dion`s representative as saying.
The ceremony was held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church with 200 friends and family members. It featured prayers and songs and honoured the heritage of Dion`s husband and manager Angelil. Also present on the occasion were the twins Eddie and Nelson`s older brother Rene-Charles, 10, Dion`s sister Linda, and Angelil`s three oldest children, Patrick, Jean-Pierre and Anne-Marie Angelil. IANS