
Robert Pattinson losing sleep over pic showing him biting baby

Robert Pattinson has revealed that a picture that shows him biting a baby on the set of ‘Twilight’ is making him lose sleep.

London: Robert Pattinson has revealed that a picture that shows him biting a baby on the set of ‘Twilight’ is making him lose sleep.
Pattinson, 25, revealed that a woman had handed the baby to him, and now the picture is out there somewhere.
“We were doing the last bit of the shoot and there were some people waiting off set and this one woman wanted pictures with her baby and I didn’t really understand that anyone would actually see this picture,” the Sun quoted him as saying. “And so somewhere on the Internet is a picture of me biting this baby. “It’s kind of a funny picture. The baby is so young that its entire head almost fits in my mouth,” he added. ANI