
Katherine Heigl relying on technology to give up smoking

Actress Katherine Heigl is using an electronic cigarette to beat her smoking addiction.

London: Actress Katherine Heigl is using an electronic cigarette to beat her smoking addiction.
The 34-year-old star has fought with her addiction to tobacco since she was 24 years old, but vowed to kick the butt last year (09) after she admitted of becoming "a slave" to her habit.
Heigl was also pushed to stop smoking after adopting daughter Naleigh in September (09). However, she hasn`t completely snubbed her dependency on nicotine and was pictured puffing on an electronic cigarette on the set of her new film ‘One For The Money,’ reports the Daily Star. The device provides inhaled doses of nicotine through a vaporized solution so users don`t have to take back harmful smoke. ANI