
Terrorists lob grenade on police post in Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam, no loss of life reported

Terrorists hurled a grenade towards a police post in Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam district.

Terrorists lob grenade on police post in Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam, no loss of life reported

Unidentified terrorists on Monday hurled a grenade towards a police post in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir but there was no loss of life, police said.

The terrorists hurled the grenade towards Police Post Frisal in the south Kashmir district in the evening, a police official said. The area was cordoned off.

According to news agency PTI, an official said the grenade missed the intended target and exploded outside the building. There was no loss of life in the incident, he added.

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In a separate incident, terrorists hurled a grenade towards a police station in Shopian district in south Kashmir, the official told PTI. He said the grenade hit the rooftop of the police station but did not explode. A bomb disposal squad later safely defused the explosive, the official added.