
Watch: MPs Thrash Intruders After Security Of Lok Sabha Breached

Video footage depicted an unknown individual leaping from the Lok Sabha visitor's gallery, causing a brief disturbance. 

Watch: MPs Thrash Intruders After Security Of Lok Sabha Breached

The Lok Sabha MPs today acted swiftly to not only intercept the intruder before reaching the Speaker's chair but also thrashed them inside the house. The video of the intruders being beaten by the Lok Sabha MPs has gone viral on social media where the Parliamentarians across the party lines can be seen thrashing and punching the intruders.

Video footage depicted an unknown individual leaping from the Lok Sabha visitor's gallery, causing a brief disturbance. Subsequently, the House was suspended until 2 pm. This occurrence took place amid discussions on pressing public matters by the members, with BJP MP Khagen Murmu addressing his concerns. Meanwhile, outside the Parliament premises, two people, one of whom was a woman, released coloured gas and vocalized slogans simultaneously.

Watch The Video Here

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said that a thorough investigation is underway regarding the security lapse in the House. "A thorough investigation of the incident that took place during zero hour, is being done. Essential instructions have also been given to Delhi Police. In the primary investigation, it has been found that that there is no need to worry about the smoke," he said."Both of them have been nabbed and the materials with them have also been seized. The two people outside the Parliament have also been arrested by Police," he added.

Opposition MPs demanded a probe into the matter and action against BJP MP Pratap Simha on whose behest the visitor's passes' were issued.