
Seven silent culprits of hair loss!

Zee Media Bureau

Hair fall is a natural phenomena. Dermatologists suggests that loosing 50 to 100 strands of hair in a day is not a big problem.

But if you are shedding clumps of your hair at a faster rate then it is a serious condition. In women this hair loss problem is more traumatic as it changes their whole look.

We all try several things to cure hair problems but very few of us are aware of conditions which lead to the hair fall.

Here are seven main culprits of hair loss in women:

Lack of protein-rich diet

Hair cells are made up of proteins. So, protein deficiency is directly related to hair loss. Lack of protein not only restricts the growth of hair but also changes its colour.

Physical stress

Any type of illness, surgery, accidents that causes physical trauma is linked with temporary hair loss. Due to stress or trauma, the capillaries of scalps receive less of oxygen and nutrients.


During pregnancy, the body goes through enormous hormonal changes. The alteration in level estrogens triggers hair related problems.


Again direct fluctuating levels of hormones during and after menopause are the culprits of hair fall. The level of female hormones drastically falls during this period and affects hair follicles causing hair fall.

Health issues

Thyroid, new medication or side effect of any medicine can cause health- related hair problems.


Hereditary hair loss is something which we can't control. In medical terms this condition is known as androgenetic alopecia in which our body looses the ability to produce more hair.

Hair styling

Excessive dyeing, coloring, blow drying or shampooing can harm your hair. The chemicals weaken the hair causing it to break and fall out.