Change in heart will go a long way in restoring peace:Hurriyat

New Delhi, July 11: With the resumption of bus services between India and Pakistan, Hurriyat conference today expressed the hope that the "change in heart" in the leadership of the two countries would go a long way in restoring peace in the entire South Asian region

New Delhi, July 11: With the resumption of bus
services between India and Pakistan, Hurriyat conference today
expressed the hope that the "change in heart" in the
leadership of the two countries would go a long way in
restoring peace in the entire South Asian region

"We want relations between India and Pakistan to
substantially improve and therefore opening of links like
road, air and more importantly links of change in heart (of
the leadership of two countries) will be a very positive
development in regard to the future of entire region,"
Hurriyat Chairman Abdul Gani Bhat told reporters.

Stating that the future of the entire sub-continent lay
in the solution of Kashmir issue, Bhat said "let us hope that
the leadership in the sub-continent rises to the occasion and
addresses issue."

The bus service between the two countries resumed today
after a gap of 18 months. It was suspended immediately after
the December 13, 2001 attack on parliament.

Asked whether he would also like to travel in the bus,
the Hurriyat chairman said "I have no documents which will
enable me to travel."

Bureau Report.

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