
Nehru Cup final, India vs Cameroon: As it happened...

India defeated Cameroon 5-4 in Nehru Cup final in a penalty shoot-out at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Delhi.

Suyash Srivastava/Zeenews Sports Bureau
New Delhi: Score: India 5: 4 Cameroon
Cameroon striker Makon Thierry takes the final kick for his side and unfortunately that hits the post, rebounds from Paul and the ball lands safe. Also read: Match report» Which means India have won the 2012 Nehru Cup! What a day for Indian football! Clifford Miranda scores the last and final penalty for India. Score: 5-4 Kingue Mpondo takes the kick and he scores. Score: 4-4 Veteran India player Mehtab Hussain takes the kick and he scores. Score: 4-3 The Cameroon skipper Paul Bebey takes the kick and he scores. Score: 3-3 Denzil Franco takes the third penalty kick for India and he scores! Score: 3-2. Ousmila Baba for Cameroon takes the second kick and he scores. Scores levelled 2-2. Indian skipper Sunil Chhetri to take the second strike and he scores as well. India lead 2-1 Robin Singh will take the first penalty kick for India. And he scores! India 1-0. Score: India 2 : 2 Cameroon 122nd minute And the referee blows the final whistle and now the result of the Nehru Cup final will be decided through penalty shoot-out. 111th minute The two teams are just launching the ball ahead thinking that the strikers would make some good move. Nothing working for them so far. 105th minute And Robin Singh misses a sitter a little away from the six yard box! They won’t get chances like these. He was very upset with himself. 101st minute It could have been very close. Cameroon’s Ousmila Baba hit a shot which was well blocked by Gaikwad. 96th minute Ashu Tambe tries to dribble the ball inside the box but is Mehtab Hussain does well to mark him. 95th minute India are doing well in the extra time and have more of the ball possession. 91st minute Free-kick to Cameroon as Ashu Tambe is brought down at the edge of the box by Clifford Miranda. 91st minuteIndia kickoff the proceedings from left to right. 90+4 minute And the referee blows the whistle and after 90 minutes of play, the match now moves to extra time. 90th minute Four minutes of added time. 88th minute Robin Singh gets a Yellow Card as he charged the Cameroon goalkeeper who held the ball in his hand. 83rd minute And now India have wasted an easy opportunity. Indian skipper Chhetri missed the goal from six yards out. They couldn’t have got an easier opportunity than this. 79th minute And that’s a GOAL! Chhetri capitalises on the opportunity and comes up with the equaliser. 77th minute Good news for India. India have a penalty and India skipper Sunil Chhetri will take it. Cameroon goalkeeper N. Hosea is also shown a card. 69th minute The Indian skipper is once again lying on the ground. The Cameroon goalkeeper is also undergoing some treatment. Robin Singh headed one towards Chhetri as Cameroon goalkeeper came bravely off his line to take the ball away from Chhetri and also brought him down. 64th minute Excellent tackling from Gaikwad, he goes full stretch to tackle Cameroon striker who was going one-on-one with the goalkeeper. The ball goes for a corner. 63rd minute Substitution for India: Robin Singh replaces S Pradhan. 59th minute Substitution for Cameroon: Eloundou Charles replaces Kologny Merime. 57th minute A very easy chance missed by Cameroon. Thierry Makon just had the goalkeeper to beat but he hit the ball too wide from the goal post. They could have easily extended their lead to 3-1. 54th minute The crowd is stunned as the danger man Kingue Mpondo heads another GOAL for Cameroon! 52nd minute Once again it was poor defense from Cameroon defenders and Gouramangi had another opportunity to score his second goal of the match but Cameroon defenders were quick to clear the danger. 49th minute Indian skipper Sunil Chhetri made a good move but was unable to rush past the Cameroon defense. 46th minute Play has resumed and now Cameroon kickoff the proceedings in the second half! 45+5 And its half time and the Indian players have done really well. They are playing against a higher ranked opponent and it has been a neck-to-neck fight so far. 45th minuteFive minutes have been added to the half time keeping in mind the time lapsed during Cameroon’s goalkeeper injury. 44th Minute Yellow Card for Paul Bebey. 43rd Minute It’s a Yellow Card for Nirmal Chhetri. Chhetri hit Joseph Momaso on the knee and the referee took no time in taking out the yellow card. 38th Minute Momaso plays a through ball to Abouna Patrick who makes an overlapping run, tries to runs past Nirmal Chettri who does well with a good tackle. 29th Minute And Cameroon have scored the equalizer! It’s even Stevens now. Makon Thierry has scored the first GOAL for Cameroon. 25th minute N Hosea coming in for injured Cameroon goalkeeper Lawrence Ngoe. 20th minute More bad news for Cameroon. Their no. 1 goalkeeper has walked off the field. Meanwhile Indian skipper Chhetri is back on the field. 19th minute And it’s a GOAAAL!! Clifford Miranda takes a free-kick and India score the first goal as Gouramangi Moirangthem heads one into the goal post. The local crowd loves that. For the first time in the tournament, Cameroon have been forced to take the back seat. 17th minute The Indian skipper in on the ground as he collides with Gustave and hurts his shoulders. He went treatment after he fell awkwardly. 14th minuteSanju Pradhan plays a cross towards Chhetri who does extremely well to out-jump tall Gustave but heads wide off the mark. 10th minute Sanju Pradhan plays a hopeful through-ball towards Francis Fernandes but couldn’t convert that as Cameroon goalkeeper Lawrence collects the ball. 7th minute The Indians are finding it difficult to keep the ball with them. 3rd minute Cameroon have the ball and are trying to knock it around in the midfield. Cameroon have the advantage as they defeated India 1-0 two days ago. Cameroon are also ranked 59th in the World.