
Brazen burglar grabs TV in double-steal

A burglar returns to the home and snatches a 100-pound plasma-screen TV.

Pensacola: Police in Florida say a burglar who made off with a man`s valuables returned to the home later and snatched what he couldn`t carry on his first trip: a 100-pound plasma-screen TV.A Pensacola Police investigator was on the scene when the robber came back hours after the first burglary.
The man who lived at the house, Steve Fluegge, says he was shocked the burglar came back and stole the television. The suspect had already stolen Fluegge`s wallet, watch and video game system.
Police and K-9 units canvassed the neighborhood, but couldn`t find the burglar or the TV. Investigators had left the TV in the backyard, where the burglar put it, so they could dust for fingerprints. Police have offered to pay for the TV. Bureau Report