
WATCH: Roger Federer's 'Mogambo khush hua' Dubsmash will make your day!

Interestingly, Federer's video featured Virat Kohli and Mahesh Bhupathi as well. 

WATCH: Roger Federer's 'Mogambo khush hua' Dubsmash will make your day!

New Delhi: Roger Federer is a man of many talents. Having won 17 Grand Slams titles, the Swiss maestro is already tennis royalty.

Federer is also appreciated for his sense of humor and clarity of thoughts.


Despite arriving late on to the social media scene, Fedex has taken to Twitter like a fish takes to water.

The 34-year-old often delights fans with his clever usage of Twitter emoticons and witty exchanges with the likes of NBA legend Kobe Bryant.

On Friday, Federer tried his hand at Dubsmash. Like most things he does, the legend nailed his debut video as well.

Interestingly, Federer's video also featured Virat Kohli and Mahesh Bhupathi.


What's more impressive is that the tennis great kick started his Dubsmash journey in Hindi.

Here is the King's version of Bollywood's iconic diaglogue 'Mogambo khush hua'.

Fair play to Roger. That was as impressive as his one-handed backhand!