
Women need to chat to pep up their love life

Women with low sex drive just need a dose of good chat to pep up their love lives - not Viagra.

London: Women with low sex drive just need a dose of good chat to pep up their love lives - not Viagra.
A third of women who chatted with doctors about sexual dysfunction admitted having greater satisfaction with their sex lives, says a study.
The finding is based on a study of 200 women in the US who took part in a clinical trial for treatment of female sexual dysfunction, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine. While two thirds were given the female equivalent of Viagra, 50 women were given a fake pill and asked to monitor their sex lives, reports the Daily Mail. Researchers were surprised to find that a third of the women taking the fake pill reported increased sexual arousal and satisfaction with their sex lives. The women were not told they had taken a fake pill but researchers concluded that talking with a doctor about their problems had been a significant factor. "All women in this study did have a chance to speak to a health care professional who listened to their concerns and, most importantly, took them seriously," said Andrea Bradford, who conducted the study at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. The women who volunteered for the study, aged from 35-55, agreed to have sex over the course of 12 weeks and keep a diary. IANS