
Twitter users, this website will help you find oxygen, hospital beds, and more near you

Many people have successfully found access to hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, plasma and Remdesivir injections for their loved ones with the help of Twitter.

  • A man named Umang has developed a programme that helps in quickly filtering tweets according to your needs.
  • You can effortlessly filter messages offering help on Twitter via
  • You can find access to oxygen, ventilators, Remdesivir, plasma, tiffin service, etc., from the platform.

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Twitter users, this website will help you find oxygen, hospital beds, and more near you

Amid the second wave of Covid-19 in India, social media has emerged as a blessing in disguise. Many people have successfully found access to hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, plasma and Remdesivir injections for their loved ones with the help of social media platforms, especially Twitter. 

However, it isn’t easy to find a perfect solution to your needs on Twitter, Even the filters offered by the microblogging platform fail to bring respite. To overcome the issue, a man named Umang has developed a programme that helps in quickly filtering tweets according to your needs. 

How to use advanced Twitter search? 

If you are looking for some Covid-19 essentials, then you can effortlessly filter messages offering help on Twitter via All the tips on how to use the platform are provided on the website itself. 

You can filter your city as well as the Covid-19 essential you are looking for. Just for example, if you need to find a bed in Delhi, then all you need to do is select Delhi in the city section and tick mark the bed option from the list of essentials. 

Similarly, you can find access to oxygen, ventilators, Remdesivir, plasma, tiffin service, etc., from the platform. You can also weed out tweets that have words like needed and required from the search. 

You can also choose the filter to get tweets having the ‘verified’ word. After going through all the filters, you need to click on the ‘Generate Links’ button to get filtered results curated according to your needs.