
New strain of coronavirus 'out of control' in UK; lockdown may be extended

There is a surge in COVID-19 infection in UK due to a new variant of the coronavirus leading to a new stringent lockdown from Sunday.

  • A sharp rise in COVID-19 infection caused by a new variant of the coronavirus has led a new stringent in the UK from Sunday.
  • A new Tier 4 level has been added to the current three-tier lockdown system to try and control the rise in infections.

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New strain of coronavirus 'out of control' in UK; lockdown may be extended File photo

A sharp rise in COVID-19 infection caused by a new variant of the coronavirus has led a new stringent, stay-at-home lockdown in the UK from Sunday, with non-essential shops and businesses now closed.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the new rules at a briefing from 10 Downing Street on Saturday evening. A new Tier 4 level has been added to the current three-tier lockdown system to try and control the rise in infections caused by the new mutation of the deadly virus

"It is with a very heavy heart I must tell you we cannot continue with Christmas as planned," Johnson told a news conference. "I sincerely believe there is no alternative open to me. It seems that the spread is now being driven by the new variant of the virus," Johnson said.

This means that the planned five-day 'Christmas bubble' of relaxed rules stands cancelled.

While, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who was the first one to announce the identification of a new variant of coronavirus defended the new 'stay at home' orders. "We acted very quickly and decisively," he said. "Unfortunately the new strain was out of control. We have got to get it under control."

Johnson`s action comes after concern about a surge in cases, sparked by the new infectious strain of the virus - VUI202012/01.

"There`s no evidence to suggest it is more lethal or causes more severe illness," Johnson said. "Equally, there`s no evidence to suggest the vaccine will be any less effective against the new variant."

Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England said, "We have alerted the World Health Organisation and are continuing to analyse the available data to improve our understanding."

Britain reported 27,052 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday and 534 deaths. The reproduction "R" number is estimated to be between 1.1 and 1.2, meaning the number of cases is rapidly increasing.

Meanwhile, several European countries such as Belgium and Germany are imposing travel bans on all the incoming flights from the UK and South Africa to make sure the new variant does not get transmitted to their countries.

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