
Adele’s tour rider includes cigarettes and good quality European beer

She recently had to cancel all of her remaining tour dates for 2011 to have surgery on a vocal chord haemorrhage.

Washington: She recently had to cancel all of her remaining tour dates for 2011 to have surgery on a vocal chord haemorrhage.
But a copy of Adele’s tour demands have been released which show alcohol and Marlboro Lights are essential for the singer, Contactmusic reported.
The 23-year-old singer requested two bottles of the “very best quality red wine” and 12 bottles of “best quality European lager beer. ie Becks, Stella Artois, Peroni etc”. In the document obtained by website The Smoking Gun, she added: “North American beer is NOT acceptable.” Adele also asked for an assortment of chewing gum, a small plate of “freshly made, individually wrapped sandwiches which must NOT contain tomatoes, vinegar, chilli or citrus fruit”. Also, following a concert, her tour bus must be stocked with “bite-size chocolate bars, including Twix, Aero, Milky Way, and Mars, organic muesli and six cereal bars”. ANI