
Kim Kardashian has slowed down now

Socialite Kim Kardashian, who`s been dating rapper Kanye West for six months, says when she started her relationship with him she was living life too fast and didn`t have time to appreciate things.

Los Angeles: Socialite Kim Kardashian, who`s been dating rapper Kanye West for six months, says when she started her relationship with him she was living life too fast and didn`t have time to appreciate things.
"I have slowed down a little bit and for the better. It was a good lesson learned. I now make it a priority to take time out for myself and have private vacations," quoted Kardashian as saying.
The 31-year-old, who divorced basketball player Kris Humphries, said she has learned from her past mistakes but has never been put off finding love. "To be in a happy, healthy relationship means everything. It`s everything when you want to share your life with someone." "We all make mistakes. Life is about learning as you go and not making the same mistakes again. Nobody is perfect. I don`t ever try to be. I try to be responsible and honest and open," she said. "You have to trust your gut. Happiness is everything, life is short, and you should never not be happy. Relationships go through different things, and that`s completely normal. But you know when you`re happy," she said. IANS