
Former India captain Mohammed Azharuddin removed as Hyderabad Cricket Association president

There was rising discontent among different members in the HCA ever since Azharuddin was appointed president of the association. There have also been allegations that Azharuddin has been taking decisions unilaterally without any consultation from fellow members of the board whatsoever.

Former India captain Mohammed Azharuddin removed as Hyderabad Cricket Association president Former India captain Mohammed Azharuddin. (Source: Twitter)

Former India captain Mohammed Azharduddin has been sacked as Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) president in a major shake-up. The decision was reportedly taken unanimously after Azharuddin violated certain rules of the cricket board.

The council also cited pending cases against the former India captain as the reason behind this step and also issued him a show-cause notice.

“After considering the complaints made by the members against you (Azharuddin), it was decided at the Apex Council meeting on the 10th of this month to issue a show-cause notice on the ground that you have acted in violation of the rules. The Apex Council is suspending you and your membership of HCA is being terminated until completion of the inquiry on these complaints," the showcase notice said.

There was rising discontent among different members in the HCA ever since Azharuddin was appointed president of the association. There have also been allegations that Azharuddin has been taking decisions unilaterally without any consultation from fellow members of the board whatsoever.

On May 25, the 10th Apex Council meeting was held where the decision to issue a show-cause notice to Azharuddin was taken. It was reported that the former captain is also a mentor at a private cricket club in Dubai. That club participates in a T10 league, which has no recognition from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). This constituted to a clear case of conflict of interest.

Azharuddin was appointed the President of HCA on 27 September 2019. There have been numerous controversies since his appointment. Azhar’s status as the president of HCA can be reinstated after the investigation in the matter is completed.