
Most adorable demand ever: Husky wants her human dad to give her piggyback rides! - Watch video

The canine effeortlessly climbs upon the back of its human dad, who obligingly gives in to the Husky's demands, carrying him around the room.

Most adorable demand ever: Husky wants her human dad to give her piggyback rides! - Watch video (Image for representational purposes only)

New Delhi: Husky tantrums are all over the Internet and they are adorable to the core! A new video showing a lovable Husky demanding piggyback rides – that's right, piggyback rides – from his human is doing the rounds of social media.

The canine effortlessly climbs upon the back of its human dad, who obligingly gives in to the Husky's demands, carrying him around the room.

We're sure you haven't seen a Husky making such cute demands. Check out the video below: