
Dylan`s harmonica fetches £2,700

A harmonica, Dylan played during a 1974, has been sold for 2,700 pounds.

London: A harmonica, which Bob Dylan played during a 1974 US tour, has been sold for 2,700 pounds. Electrician John Fellas, of Gorleston, Norfolk, admitted he had not yet told his wife about the purchase, after placing the winning bid at an auction in Norwich, eastern England, reports The Telegraph.
``I read about it in a local newspaper yesterday and I just had to have it,`` he said. ``I`ve just grown up with Dylan. I love him. And it`s not every day you get a bit of Dylan memorabilia on sale in Norwich. I`ve got a wife who thinks I`m mad. I haven`t told her about this yet,” he added. Fellas said he had seen Dylan a number of times but had never bought a piece of Dylan memorabilia before. "I just love the lyrics. I think it`s a generational thing. I`ve grown up with him. I love Bob`s words,” he added. Auctioneer Gary Barnes said Dylan had given the harmonica to an English member of his wardrobe department during the 1974 tour. "She told Dylan that her brother was a big fan and asked if he would autograph something for him," said Barnes. "She was expecting a menu or something, but Dylan gave her the harmonica and signed the case "to Bob" – ironically her brother`s name. "She was English and brought it back to England to give to her brother. "The brother died four or five years ago and the harmonica then passed to a renowned private collector who lives in this area and who we know well,” he added. ANI