
Mumbai woman buys fake Remdesivir drug via social media, duped of Rs 18000

As demand for the anti-viral drug Remdesivir continues to rise, there are several reports of adulterated medicines being sold.

Mumbai woman buys fake Remdesivir drug via social media, duped of Rs 18000 File photo

Mumbai: As demand for the anti-viral drug Remdesivir continues to rise, there are several reports of adulterated medicines being sold.

One such incident has been reported from Mumbai's Tilak Nagar, a woman had bought Remdesivir after receiving details of a seller in a WhatsApp message. the medicine was delivered to her house, but it was found to be fake. The medicine vials had powder instead.

Upon investigation it was found that the woman had called on a number which was being circulated on WhatsApp. The person on the phone demanded Rs 18000 for six bottles of medicines. 

The woman paid the money upfront and received the medicines the next day on her address. But when the woman checked the package she realised it was powder. 

The police have registered a case and have begun an investigation.

With such incidents, it is being cautioned that numbers claimimg to have access to Remedisivir medicine being shared on social media should be verified and duly checked before buying the product. 

Meanwhile, on Wednesday Noida Police arrested a man allegedly involved in black marketing of Remdesivir amid a shortage of the crucial drug in the market due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The police recovered 105 vials of Remdesivir from the accused, Rachit Ghai.

As per the police, Ghai would sell Remdesivir for anything between Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000 to people in need of the medicine for COVID-19 treatment.