
Kerala: Malayalam actress 'molested' on a moving train

The incident took place while the actress was sleeping. The accused was sleeping right opposite to her.

Kerala: Malayalam actress 'molested' on a moving train Pic Courtesy: ANI

Thiruvananthapuram: A Malayalam actress was on Wednesday allegedly molested on a moving train that was travelling from Kannur to here.

The incident took place while the actress was sleeping. The accused was sleeping right opposite to her. Nobody came to her rescue when she called out for help.

It was after she went to the TT and he informed the police, the accused was booked.

"I was sleeping and this guy was sleeping right opposite me. I felt somebody rubbing my lips. When I opened my eyes, his hand was on my lips. I caught his hand, switched on lights and called for help. Nobody came. I went to see TT. He called for police, who took him with them, the actress told news agency ANI.

Last December, a young Bollywood actress was allegedly molested by a fellow passenger on a Delhi-Mumbai flight. The actor had Instagrammed her ordeal which left the fans and celebs in a state of shock.

The actress was on her way to Mumbai and was traveling via Vistara airlines when the incident took place. She narrated the entire incident through her Instagram stories and also shared a video in which she was in tears, post the incident.