
How To Prepare and Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Onion juice can be your go-to for a natural boost in hair growth and scalp health. With its rich nutrient components, it’s a simple yet effective way to support your hair’s vitality. Follow these easy steps and enjoy the benefits of a time-tested remedy right from your kitchen.

How To Prepare and Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Are you tired of seeing your hair fall out every day? No matter what product you use, nothing seems to work in your favor. If so, we first need to understand why your hair might be falling excessively. Apart from heredity, various internal and external factors such as climatic changes, poor diet, stress, unhealthy lifestyle practices and more can weaken hair follicles, making them brittle, thin, and dry, which leads to increased shedding.

Onion juice is known for offering numerous benefits in such conditions as it contains sulfur, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. These properties can help improve blood circulation to the scalp, reduce hair thinning, and encourage new hair growth.

Here’s an easy guide to make and use this natural remedy effectively.

Gather Your Ingredients

To get started, you’ll need just a few items: onions, a blender or grater, a strainer, and a bowl. Grab two to three medium-sized onions—fresh and firm for the best results. Peel and chop them, then toss the pieces into your blender. Blend until you get a smooth, pulpy mix. If you’re using a grater, finely grate the onions and then squeeze out the juice. Strain the mixture using a fine sieve or cheesecloth to extract the onion juice.

How to Apply?

Now, let’s put that juice to work. Using a cotton ball or your fingertips, massage the onion juice gently into your scalp.

Focus on areas where hair thinning is visible and give your scalp a good massage for 5-10 minutes. This stimulates blood flow and helps the juice work its best. Leave it on for 30 to 60 minutes.

Afterward, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo to get rid of the smell and any remaining juice.

Precautions to Consider

Before you apply it to your scalp, perform a patch test to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions. If you experience any irritation or discomfort, stop using the juice and consult with a dermatologist.