
Monsoon Hair Care: Natural Remedies To Tame Frizz & Shine

It is essential that you give your hair extra care and attention because the increased wetness and humidity can cause a variety of hair problems.

Monsoon Hair Care: Natural Remedies To Tame Frizz & Shine Image by Unsplash

Monsoon is the most anticipated season of the year, bringing delightful coolness after the blistering heat. It might, however, also be a difficult period for your hair. It is essential that you give your hair extra care and attention because the increased wetness and humidity can cause a variety of hair problems. To keep your hair strong and shiny, you need to constantly take care of it because the roots tend to get dry and the scalp gets oily. Additionally, too much humidity can cause frizz and unmanageability in your hair. 

What Causes Frizzy Hair ?

To find effective solutions, it is necessary to understand the causes of frizzy hair. The higher air humidity during the monsoon season has a major effect on hair. Higher humidity indicates more water vapour in the atmosphere, which is defined as the moisture content of the air. This change raises the air's hydrogen content, which has an impact on hair structure. Keratin proteins, which make up hair, are bound together by a variety of bonds, including hydrogen bonds. The more water molecules in humid environments create more hydrogen bonds with the proteins in hair. As a result, the hair absorbs more moisture, which causes the individual hair strands to expand and change form. As a result, hair folds back, curls, and is frizzy. 

6 Home Remedies For Frizzy Hair 

It gets harder to have silky, soft hair during the monsoon season. Changes in humidity cause hair's moisture content to drop, resulting in frizzed-out hair. In order to nourish your hair and prevent frizz during the rainy season, try these five at-home hair care methods such as: 

  1. Check Your Shampoo - Shampooing your hair every day can strip your scalp's natural oils, leaving it prone to dryness, frizziness, and damage. Shampoo your hair twice or thrice a week with cold water, depending on your hair condition.
  2. Oil Your Hair - Oiling is key to healthy hair. Regularly oiling your hair keeps it well-nourished and maintains overall health. Choose the right oil for the best results.
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar Mask - Apple cider vinegar is an alpha hydroxy acid that can restore the natural pH balance in hair.
  4. Egg, Olive Oil, & Lavender Oil Mask - Eggs provide protein that tames frizz and adds moisture, while lavender oil promotes hair growth and reduces thinning.
  5. Vitamin E & Coconut Oil Mask - Coconut oil acts as a natural conditioner and vitamin E as an antioxidant. 
  6. Yogurt & Honey Mask - Honey provides hydration while yoghurt conditions the hair.

(This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)