
Narendra Modi's best speeches as PM


  • For the first time in human history, we have an organization for the entire world – the United Nations.
  • No organization serves our cause more than this one. It makes progress through the marvels of science and draws strength from the basic character of nature – the harmony and unity in diversity.
  • I recall Mahatma Gandhi's message to UNESCO, calling for urgent action to address the needs of education to secure lasting peace.
  • We are grateful for UNESCO's support for education and science in India and for preservation of our cultural heritage.
  • In the challenges which India faces and the dreams that Indians seek, our approach mirrors the ideals of UNESCO.
  • The foundation of our Constitution rests on a fundamental principle: the peace and prosperity of all is indivisible from the welfare of the individual, the strength of the nation is determined by the joined hands of every citizen and real progress is measured through empowerment of the weakest.
  • As our ancient saying goes, it is vyaye krate vardhate eva nityam, vidhya dhanam sarva dhan pradhanam (the wealth that increases by giving, that wealth is knowledge and is supreme of all possessions).
  • Our Digital India will create a participative, transparent and a responsive government connected to citizens. And we have launched a digital literacy mission to connect each of our 6,00,000 villages.
  • For us, science is driven by the larger purpose of human development and for a safe, sustainable and prosperous future for India.
  • UNESCO's initiatives to preserve the world's cultural heritage, including in India, are inspiring.
  • We have launched ‘Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana' (HRIDAY or heart in Hindi) to preserve the cultural heritage of our cities. We have started a special scheme called 'PRASAD' ( or offerings) – Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive for rejuvenation of our pilgrim centres.
  • Culture must connect, not divide our world. It should be a bridge to greater respect and understanding between people and join nations in peace and harmony.
  • We must turn deep into our cultures, traditions and religions to overcome the rising tide of extremism, violence and divisions across the world.
  • Cultures also hold great wealth of traditional knowledge. But today, they are at risk of extinction in our globalised world. So, we must here make more efforts to revive, preserve and nurture traditional knowledge.
  • Climate change is a pressing global challenge. And it calls for a collective human action and a comprehensive response.
  • In India, faith and nature have had a deep link since ancient times.
  • We have, for example, set a target of adding 175,000 MW of clean and renewable energy in the next seven years.
  • I have called for global public action to develop clean energy, that is affordable and accessible to all.
  • Yoga awakens a sense of oneness and harmony with self, society and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change and create a more balanced world.
  • Last December, the UNGA adopted it with a record co-sponsorship in a record time. It was not just an act of friendship for India but reflected our collective ability to go beyond our familiar boundaries in search for solutions to common challenges.
  • My campaign to clean our Ganges River is not only a mission that connects culture, science, traditional knowledge, education, economy, and environment but it is also about attitudes and lifestyles.
  • The 70th anniversary is a moment to celebrate our remarkable journey so far. It is also a time to look ahead with wisdom that has come with time and experience.

Ottawa, Canada

  • The vision and leadership of PM Stephen Harper changed the course of our relations.
  • We are two major democracies with deeply shared values.
  • Canada has the potential to be a key partner in every area of India's national development priority.
  • We have liberalised visa policy for Canadians. Canadian citizens will now be eligible for a 10-year Indian visa.
  • The agreement on procurement of Uranium from Canada for our civilian nuclear power plants launches a new era of bilateral cooperation and brings in new era of bilateral cooperation.
  • India felt Canada's pain when this city was struck by a senseless act of terrorism.
  • India has been hailed by many as fastest growing economy. And our dream is to make India a manufacturing hub. Canada has a treasure trove of raw materials that we need, including Uranium.
  • India has 1/6th of the population of the world. We want to give the world clean energy. Uranium is very important to pursue our mission of clean energy. It is not just a natural resource but an article of faith for me.
  • Terrorism has transcended borders. We have to unite to fight terrorism. UN is going to complete 70 years soon. If we have to fight terrorism then the world should be given a message under the umbrella of UN.
  • There should be a definition of terrorism and a resolution in UN is must. Also, those countries should be identified who support, abet and finance terrorism.
  • Speaking about the attack on Canadian Parliament, Modi says that Parliament is a temple of democracy and any attack on it is an attack on democracy. All those who believe in humanism should unite to fight against terrorism.

India-US CEO Forum meet

  • Policy-driven state with consistency will solve many problems.
  • Solution to all your problems is good governance.
  • Growth in the core sector has increased sharply, inflation is at five-year low.
  • Everything we wish to do involves enterprise and investment and above all, involvement and innovation.
  • Our goal is an economy where skills, infrastructure and resources will not be constraints to growth.
  • PMO will monitor all big projects.
  • To boost purchasing power in India, need to improve economy and only way to improve is heavy investment in infrastructure and agriculture.
  • I offer an open environment for doing business in India. If we work together, we will achieve success.
  • India sees the world as one family. We worked hard to usher in the green revolution.
  • 110 million new bank accounts have opened in the last four months.
  • Investments from the United States have jumped by 50% in the first six months of my government. 

Sri Lankan Parliament

  • The Sri Lankan Parliament represents one of Asia's oldest democracies and one of its most vibrant.
  • The future that I dream of India, is also the future I wish for our neighbors.
  • We have been formed of the same elements and our inter-connected histories. Today, we stand together as independent sovereign nations.
  • India, Sri Lanka don't have a land boundary but we are the closest neighbours in every sense .
  • Ours is a relation that is beautifully defined by the journey of Mahindra and Saṅghamitta, they carried message of peace and tolerance.
  • My top priority is to make states in India stronger and deliver in cooperative federalism.
  • My vision of an ideal neighborhood is one in which trade, investment, technology and ideas flow easily across border.
  • Sri Lanka is home to enterprise, skill and extraordinary intellectual heritage.
  • We will continue our development partnership and will be guided by your government. When we connect deeper, bonds between nations become stronger.
  • We have decided to extend 'visa on arrival' facilities to Sri Lankans and will increase connectivity between two countries.
  • Recent elections in Sri Lanka have reflected the collective voice of the nation and is the hope for change, reconciliation and unity.
  • Your leadership and our partnership is important for ensuring peaceful and secure maritime neighborhood.
  • India is a natural source of investment for Sri Lanka.

Business meet hosted by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka

  • Our path will be determined by our economic choice and quality of governance.
  • There are many in our region who think India's economic size will hurt them, I disagree.
  • There is new purpose and clarity in India's policies.
  • World's engagement with India is at a new level, but first claim to India should be its neighbors.
  • I am prepared to work on the trade growth imbalance. We will try to make it easier for you to access Indian market.
  • India's progress gives us the ability to create opportunities for our neighbours.

Modi's speech during Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena's India visit

  • We also share a broad range of interests - economic development for our countries, peace and prosperity in South Asia and maritime security in the region.
  • The timeless links of history, religion and culture provide a solid foundation of our partnership.
  • The bilateral agreement on civil nuclear cooperation is yet another demonstration of our mutual trust.
  • The two countries have discussed expansion of cooperation in energy sector both conventional and renewable.
  • President Sirisena and I attach highest importance to the fishermen issue and will address fishermen associations on both sides soon.
  • The Programme of Cultural Cooperation signed today will nurture those ties and promote contacts between people.

National Assembly of Mauritius

  • To be here with you in this Assembly on your National Day is a blessed moment for me.
  • On this day in 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started Dandi March. Your national day honours that spirit.
  • Mauritius has stood as a bright beacon of democracy.
  • This morning I went to Ganga Talao. I felt a personal connection that comes from the banks of Ganga in my constituency – Varanasi.
  • We are related to each other on our shared democratic values.
  • Former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had supported the construction of the first cyber city in Mauritius in 2003. I feel honoured to announce a second cyber city in Mauritius.
  • We speak in one voice on cause of developing world.
  • I can assure you that as always we will be with you – in support of your efforts and in joy for your success.
  • Mauritius has been a leading international voice on climate change.
  • We will work together to avoid abuse of India-Mauritius double taxation treaty.
  • Proudly flying the flag of Mauritius, Barracuda will sail as a symbol of our partnership.
  • We will deepen our co-operation and do everything we can to strengthen your capabilities.
  • We will do nothing which could affect the vibrant banking sector in Mauritius.

Indo-German Business Summit

  • The scope and potential, the breadth and length of infrastructure and related developments is very huge in India.
  • We have planned to build 50 million houses by 2022. In addition, we are going to develop smart cities and mega industrial corridors. For this, we have refined our FDI Policy in construction. We have also come up with a regulatory framework for this sector.
  • We have targeted 175 Giga Watt of renewable energy in next few years.
  • We are modernizing our railway systems including signals, engines and railway stations. We are planning metro rail in fifty cities and high speed trains in various corridors.
  • We are putting up new ports and modernizing the old ones through an ambitious plan called Sagarmala.
  • Similar focus is on upgrading the existing airports and putting up regional airports to enhance connectivity to places of economic and tourist importance
  • In financial services too, we are moving towards a more inclusive and faster delivery of financial products including bank loans and insurance.
  • For this purpose, we opened 140 million bank accounts; increased FDI in insurance upto 49% and have set up MUDRA Bank.
  • We also announced innovative schemes for insurance and pension to enhance social security of our citizens.
  • To promote manufacturing, we have launched a campaign called "Make in India”.
  • Germany ranks 8th among foreign investor countries in India. About 600 Indo-German joint ventures are presently operating in India.
  • Though we have a vibrant relationship, our economic partnership is not as much as both countries would like to have.
  • Many more German companies have the possibility of investing in India. I am here to assure the German companies that India is now a changed country.
  • Efforts are underway to improve the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in the country.
  • We are reducing the complicated procedures, making them available at one platform, preferably online, simplifying the forms and formats has been taken up on war footing.
  • We do believe that FDI is important and will not come in the country without a globally competitive business environment. Therefore, in this year's budget, we have rationalized a number of issues which were bothering you.
  • We have removed lot of regressive taxation regimes. In our very first budget, we said we will not resort to retrospective taxation. And if such issues do arise, they will have to be reviewed at the highest level. We have taken bold steps of not dragging the litigation in a few cases where we felt that the steps of the previous government were not on right lines.
  • In this budget, we allowed tax pass through for Alternative Investment Funds-AIFs, rationalization of capital gains of Real Estate Investment trusts-REITs, modification in Permanent Establishment-PE norms and deferring the implementation of General Anti Avoidance Rules-GAAR for two years. We are constantly working to improve the business environment further.
  • We are trying to introduce an element of transparency and predictability in taxation system.
  • We have fast tracked approvals in industry and infrastructure. This includes environmental clearances, extending the industrial licences, delicencing of defence items and simplification of cross-border trade.
  • Within a very short time, we introduced the GST Bill in Parliament.
  • FDI inflows have gone up by 36% during April-2014 and January-2015 against the same period in previous year.
  • Our growth rate is above 7%.
  • For infrastructure development, we have made an all-time high allocation for roads and railways sectors. In addition, we are setting up India Infrastructure Investment Fund and have also allowed tax free bonds in the infrastructure sector including roads and railways. 

Modi at Community reception in Berlin

  • Sometimes we feel like the Hercules in our society but when we go out we see where we stand.
  • Technology can be viewed in various perceptions and Indians are good at perceiving things out of the box.
  • In the coming days, it is the need of the hour that India becomes a manufacturing hub.
  • IT revolution showed the world the strength of our youth.
  • In Germany, Indians contribute a lot to the society and can be a bridge between India and where we want to reach as a nation.
  • India is a big nation, three things required to be balanced are agriculture, manufacturing and service sector.
  • Sikkim has become the first state with organic farming and we want to introduce them to the global market.
  • You all are our "Incredible India".
  • We want to propagate the idea that India is a destination for low-cost production.
  • Zero defect and zero effect, both are very important.
  • Becoming a manufacturing hub is not merely an economic activity, it is a matter of our pride that we will give to the world rather than just take from it.
  • India's secularism is based on very secure foundations.
  • We are a nation that was born to give to the world.
  • Germany is a nation that has tried to present India in its true form to the world, we should thank them.
  • Your passport colour might be different. But our bonds haven’t change.
  • India will always belong to you and India will always be for you.  

Hanover Messe

  • Hannover and Hannover Messe. They have been most generous in allowing us to unleash our lions in this city which are a symbol of a new India. They roar but with a message of friendship and promise of partnership from 1.25 billion people of India.
  • Our decision to be here in the first year of my government reflects our priority which includes accelerating economic growth and creating jobs for our youth and building world class industry and infrastructure. We want totransform our cities and villages, clean up our environment and improve the quality of life.
  • For people in India, Germany is a valued partner and an enduring symbol of technology and innovation, quality and productivity.
  • Through the passage of history, Indians and Germans have formed a relationship of mutual fascination and goodwill.
  • It also includes a vibrant economic partnership that extends beyond the last century.
  • Nearly a hundred years ago, India's great poet and philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore said that Germany has done more than any other country to open India to the Western World.
  • Whatever we choose to do, from reaching the cutting edge of industry to meeting the most critical social need, we require investment and technology, industry and enterprise. That is why for me, Make in India is not a brand. Nor is it simply a slogan on a smart lion.
  • Our scale of transformation is vast. Therefore, the opportunities we offer are huge.
  • We have taken sweeping steps to reform our policies and open up more to foreign direct investments in key areas like insurance, construction, defence and railways.
  • Railways is the thread that binds India. It will now be a fast track to India's transformation.
  • We are removing unnecessary regulations and simplifying our procedures. We are using digital technology to eliminate multiple approvals and endless wait.
  • We are building a tax regime that is predictable, stable and competitive.
  • The Goods and Services Tax is a long needed revolution that is becoming a reality.
  • For us, the highest priority is creating world class infrastructure.
  • We have established a National Infrastructure and Investment Fund and a new institution for integrated development of this sector.
  • We have set a target of 75 Giga Watts of new capacity for renewable and clean energy in the next seven years.
  • Good Governance is essential not just for our citizens, but also for business.
  • For the first time, we are working as Team India – a new partnership between the Centre and the States.
  • It is not just about financial flows, new technology or products. It is also about learning from each other and seeing possibilities in new ways.
  • India will do its part - as an anchor of economic stability, an engine for growth and as a force of peace and stability in the world.

First speech in Parliament

  • A country's government should be for the poor. We will empower the poor to enable them to fight poverty.
  • Stop the psychological analysis of rape incidents. Enough has been said and that it's equivalent to playing with the dignity of the women.
  • We will make sure that no poor person in the country sleeps hungry referring to the rising price of commodities.
  • China is a nation which is growing older and India is a “young nation” as it has majority of population below 35 years of age.
  • There is a need to change the image of India from 'Scam India' to 'Skill India.'
  • Bad governance in a country is like diabetes.
  • Casteism and regionalism have severely affected the nation and model of co-operation needs to be imbibed for the growth of the nation. Due to these reasons, we are talking of 'ek Bharat, shreshta Bharat'.

Independence Day

  • I am here not as pradhan mantri (prime minister) but as pradhan sevak (prime servant).
  • I want to express my feelings of respect and gratitude to all those previous governments and ex-Prime Ministers who have endeavoured to take our present day India to such heights and who have added to the country’s glory.
  • This country has not been made by politicians, kings or governments. It has been made by farmers, labourers, youth, our mothers and sisters.
  • This country has been built on such foundation of ancient cultural heritage, where we were told of only one mantra during Vedic period, which is indicative of our work culture – “Sangachchhdhvam Samvadadhvam sam wo manansi jaanataam.” We walk together, we move together, we think together, we resolve together and together we take this country forward.
  • It is the pride of Constitution that a boy from a poor family has unfurled the flag at Red fort today.
  • I am an outsider for Delhi. But during the last two months while being an outsider, I had an insider view. It is not a political platform, rather it is a platform of a national policy.
  • I want to ask every mother and father, you ask your daughters 'where are you going, who are you going with'. But do you ever ask your sons these questions? After all, those who rape are also someone's son.
  • Everyone is busy giving their psychological opinions on rape.
  • We have to rise above mera kya - mujhe kya (what am I getting out of this). some things have to be done for the greater national good.
  • If we have to promote the development of our country then our mission has to be `skill development` and `skilled India`.
  • I want to appeal to the people all over the world to sell in any country of the world but manufacture here be it electrical, electronics, satellite, submarine, automobiles, paper or plastic. We have got skill, talent, discipline, and determination to do something.
  • There were many people in the world who thought that India was a country of snake charmers. The real identity of India had not reached the world. But our young IT professionals have given a new path of making a new identity of India.


  • A strong and stable India is needed to make sure that we can help our neighbours with their problems.
  • The stronger India will be, the better it will be for Bhutan and the SAARC nations
  • Bhutan has established democracy among its people through awareness and strong democratic traditions. I congratulate the political family of Bhutan for securing development, protection of traditions and environment.
  • Enthusiasm visible in voters of Bhutan is very important for a vibrant democratic environment.
  • The most important quality for maintaining democracy is self-reliance.
  • India will assist Bhutan in forming an E-library network to strengthen the Bhutanese government's intention to promote education.
  • Bhutan's smooth transition from monarchy to democracy shows maturity in governance in the country.
  • We should hold a sports meet for Himalayan states in India and Bhutan. Sportsman spirit brings happiness.
  • Himalayas bring us together. We must be very proud of the Himalayas. It is our strength


  • It's a land where Lord Buddha was born, this country has a rich cultural heritage.
  • Nepal is a country of brave people.
  • A Constitution is not merely a book. It integrates the past, present and the future.
  • India is looking at Nepal with hope.
  • Congratulate you for choosing ballot over bullet.
  • A Constitution always integrates, it never divides.
  • Our only wish is that Nepal's progress reaches as high as the Himalayas.
  • Here was a Samrat Ashok. After war he looked towards Buddha. From Yudh he went towards Buddha.
  • India welcomes and respects your Federal Democratic Republic.
  • Nepal should become a leading exporter of herbal medicines and we are ready to support you in this.
  • Nepal can become a developed nation by supplying power to India.
  • Don't want Nepal's electricity for free, we want to buy it.
  • A Constitution has to be made and Nepal has to be taken to new heights and we are ready to support you as a neighbour.
  • Together SAARC nations should wage a war against poverty and we should help each other in that.
  • The border should be a bridge, not a barrier.
  • We are so close. Still it took 17 years. I assure you this will not happen again. I am coming back again for the SAARC summit.


  • There was a time when PMs never visited this state. I have come here two times already. Your affection draws me here.
  • We must think afresh on the development of Himalayan states.
  • Government will fight corruption with full strength and take along people fighting graft.
  • Pakistan has lost the strength to fight a conventional war but continues to engage in proxy war of terrorism.
  • Indian Armed Forces are suffering more casualties from terrorism than from war.
  • The government at the Centre is committed to improving connectivity to Kashmir.
  • About 20 per cent people of Jammu and Kashmir are displaced, we will take all possible steps for their rehabilitation.
  • We are interested in development and taking everyone together towards development.


  • It is my good fortune that I'm the first prime minister of India to be born post-1947. We did not get the opportunity to die for the nation or spend our youth in jail during the freedom struggle. But we can surely live for the nation.
  • Both India and Australia can't live without cricket.
  • It took 28 years for an Indian prime minister to come to Australia.
  • We have started the 'Make in India' programme for job creation for our youth, who can contribute to the world. Whenever someone wants to invest in a country, the investors need to be given high quality of life. That is the aim of 'Make in India'.
  • We need to learn the dignity of labour from Australia.
  • The least we can do for Mahatma Gandhi is have a clean India.

UN General Assembly

  • India's ancient wisdom sees the world as one family-Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
  • Our government lays highest emphasis on friendship and cooperation with the neighbours.
  • India is prepared to hold bilateral talks with Pakistan without the shadow of terrorism. But Pakistan must also do the same.
  • To combat terrorism, I request you to adopt the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
  • United Nations, including the Security Council, should be made more democratic and participative. 
  • We need a comprehensive action for people who do not have access to drinking water or basic sanitation.
  • We need to work towards adopting an International Yoga Day. 

Madison Square Garden

  • India used to be known as the land of snake charmers.
  • I want to thank you (India-American community) for making a huge contribution in building India's image.
  • India is a nation of youths with a very old culture with 65 per cent of people below the age of 35.
  • India has three powers – Democracy, Demographic dividend and Demand.
  • The whole world is watching India.
  • India is the biggest democracy in the world while America is the oldest.
  • Good governance if essential for a nation to progress.
  • India is the first nation which reached Mars in the first attempt.
  • Mahatma Gandhi gave us freedom, we should give him a Clean India.
  • We will combine the PIO and Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI).
  • American tourists will get visa on arrival.


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