
India sees surge in obesity, carries out more than 100 bariatric surgeries a day: Report

According to Lancet study, India is the third most obese country with one in every five Indian diagnosed with such issue.

India sees surge in obesity, carries out more than 100 bariatric surgeries a day: Report Representational image

New Delhi: An analysis done by Habilite Obesity Group has found that India is carrying out more than 100 weight loss surgeries in a day, which clearly indicates the terrific rise in obesity cases.

According to Lancet study, India is the third most obese country with one in every five Indian diagnosed with such issue.

As a result, bariatric surgery treatment has gained awareness and popularity.

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Karnataka, Bangalore, Indore, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh are the prime preferable locations of patients for such treatment.

Dr Kapil Agrawal, senior consultant, laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon, Habilite Obesity Group, informed that morbid obesity affects five percent of the country's population and four percent patients have the comorbidities of obesity that includes Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, some cancers, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems, such as sleep apnea and asthma.

Bariatric surgery is the single solution for all conditions, trust factor of patients is increasing on this procedure, due to the advancement of medical science.

If we talk about the numbers of procedures performed across India on daily basis, northern region predominate the highest numbers, with only in National Capital more than 15, as patients from North India prefer to opt for surgery only in Delhi.

However, in the southern and western region, patients are getting aware and opting for this procedure for the permanent solution of obesity and other comorbidities.

In the eastern region, the number is marginally less.

Dr. Agrawal states that besides Indian, there has been a large number of increase reported in medical tourism for a bariatric procedure. Foreigner patients majorly from Afghanistan, Iraq, Dubai, Africa are coming for weight Loss Surgeries in India.

(With ANI inputs)