
Mahalaya observed in West Bengal

People across West Bengal observed on Tuesday the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya, which heralds in Durga Puja.

Kolkata: People across West Bengal observed on Tuesday the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya, which heralds in Durga Puja.

Mahalaya amavasya, which marks the end of 'pitripaksha' and beginning of 'devipaksha' is considered highly auspicious day for paying obeisance to one's ancestors.

The day began with the airing of the eight-decade-old 'Mahisasura Mardini' programme over radio at the break of dawn. Later lakhs of people congreagted at the banks of the Ganga and other rivers for 'Tarpan', which is paying obeisance to their forefathers.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee wished everybody on this occasion through posts on social networking sites.