
Agyness Deyn to play stripper in Danish movie ‘Pusher’

Agyness Deyn is set to play a ‘strong minded stripper’ in the Danish film ‘Pusher’.

London: Supermodel Agyness Deyn is set to play a ‘strong minded stripper’ in the Danish film ‘Pusher’.
The 1996 cult classic film was set in Copenhagen but is now being remade in English and is set in East London.
The synopsis of the film says: “As edgy and explosive as Nicolas Winding Refn’s 1996 cult classic, this English language remake sees a small time London drug dealer descend into debt following a spot of bad luck and a series of bad choices,” the Mirror reported. “The more desperate his behaviour gets, the more isolated he becomes until there is nothing left standing between him and the nine millimetre bullet his debtors intend to put through his skull,” the synopsis adds. ANI