
Five types of women that men AVOID

Here’s taking a look at the kind of women men purposely choose to ignore.

Five types of women that men AVOID

Mumbai: A Man often goes head-over-heels for a woman he is mad about. He can do all what he can to win her attention and subsequently her heart. But there are a few types of women, men stay away from.

Here’s taking a look at the kind of women men purposely choose to ignore:

The chipkoo or clingy types: Men refrain from befriending women who are too clingy. They don’t like women chasing them, especially the chipkoo kind.

Motor-mouths: Women who are loud mouths are never in a man’s desire list. Men adore women who are soft-spoken and classy.

Cry babies: Men no longer like women who end up crying over petty issue. A woman who is strong emotionally is preferred over the one that is weak.

Over possessive types: Men love their space and do not appreciate when a women tends to get too interfering. They love their freedom and expect women to respect their need for some space.

Money-minded kind: A man wouldn’t like a woman who only expects him to keep splurging on her. Men expect women to be understanding and sensible.