
Veena Malik to be back in Pakistan soon

Veena Malik has said that she will be back in her home country Pakistan soon to do some projects and also to launch her own music album.

Lahore: Veena Malik has said that she will be back in her home country Pakistan soon to do some projects and also to launch her own music album.
Malik is currently doing three films in India – ‘Daal Mein Kuch Kala Hai’, ‘Zindagi Fifty Fifty’ and ‘Bombay 125 Km’.
“I am also doing a film ‘Super Model’ with Ashmit Patel,” Dawn quoted her as saying. She said that while ‘Daal Mein Kuch Kala Hai’ is a comedy, she plays a sex worker in ‘Zindagi Fifty Fifty’ and ‘Bombay 125 Km’ is a 3D thriller-horror. All these movies are almost complete, except for ‘Super Model’ which would, tentatively, go on sets in June. Malik added that performing in a 3D movie was a new and good experience for her. Sharing the details about her first music album the actress said she wanted to sing right from the beginning of her career but her friends suggested that she concentrate on acting. “However, now I have decided to launch my first album - both audio and video - I shall release my album with a single track to start with,” she said. The songs would be a mix of Urdu and English and the male lead would be revealed later. “My singing will represent young generation and for them I shall be singing some rock stuff,” she added. Malik said the rights of her TV show, which would go on air by the end of this year on an Indian channel, had been bought by a major entertainment group in Pakistan. “The show had received some 72,000 entries from all over the world which is a record,” she said. ANI