
Justin Timberlake sends fans on treasure hunt

Justin Timberlake has sent fans on a special treasure hunt to thank them for sending his new album to the top of the US charts.

Los Angeles: Singer-actor Justin Timberlake has sent fans on a special treasure hunt to thank them for sending his new album to the top of the US charts.
He decided to treat devotees by hiding a handful of autographed records around the US.
Timberlake tops Billboard Charts in the US after the sales figure of his comeback album "The 20/20 Experience" reached the 968,000-mark, reports Announcing the competition on Twitter, he posted: "It's Friday and I ain't got s**t to do! So I placed 5 signed vinyls around the country! Stay tuned finders keepers." He then uploaded a trio of photo clues on Instagram alongside the caption: "Come find it NYC!" He followed it up with similar hints about prizes in cities including Chicago, Illinois and his native Memphis, Tennessee. IANS