
Hollywood prefers miss goody two shoes to bad girls

Now bad girls like Tara Reid, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan are passé, as more and more starlets are coming out as hard working and wholesome.

Washington: Now bad girls like Tara Reid, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan are passé, as more and more starlets are coming out as hard working and wholesome.
Four years ago, the New York Post printed a photo of Spears, Lohan and Hilton out clubbing with the headline ‘Bimbo Summit’. The inside read: ‘3 Bimbos Of The Apocalypse: No Clue, No Cares, No Underwear (Spears, Lohan, Hilton).’
Now starlets, like Kristen Stewart, Ashley Greene and Anna Kendrick, from the lucrative teen franchise ‘Twilight’, are never photographed out at the clubs, drinking, or smoking, and their public relationships are totally PG. They see good behaviour as a requirement, and Greene told April’s Glamour magazine that she considers it part of her job to be a role model for her fans. "I keep to the ground rules. I’m not going to get drunk at a bar. There are younger girls who look up to me. So I do my best not to stray too far," Fox News quoted her as saying. Greene appears on alternate covers of the fashion magazine with two other up and coming good girls, Emma Stone and Freida Pinto, all chosen by the publication because of their work ethics and role model behaviour. The three have a combined 14 movies coming out in the next year, and producers are clamouring to sign them. "We chose Freida, Ashley and Emma for Glamour’s May cover stars because they are positive role models with passion and dedication, who aren’t afraid to admit to their struggles," Glamour entertainment editor Rebecca Sinn said. "They recognize that they’ve had to work hard to achieve their success," she said. Selena Gomez and Emma Watson are two of the best-known and most well-liked stars under the age of 25, according to Steven Levitt of Marketing Evaluations, a firm that calculates the Q score, a quantitative measurement of a personality’s overall likeability. The Q scores measure how likable celebrities are. Bad girls like Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Demi Lovato`s positive Q scores are dwarfed by their negative scores, indicating the public`s distaste for their antics. "In the cases of the bad girls, the negative is five to ten times higher. We`re talking about substantial turn-offs," Levitt said. Brands and marketers turn to the Q score before deciding to sign a celeb for a multi-million dollar endorsement deal. "Business executives know they run a big risk if they sign a celebrity who is trouble," Levitt explained. "And since there are thousands of working celebrities and only a handful who are trouble, they`re going to avoid that handful," he added. ANI