
Bo Bice on why AI could suffer without Paula Abdul

American Idol’s season four runner-up Bo Bice has revealed his views on why the show could suffer if Paula Abdul was not one of the judges.

Washington: American Idol’s season four runner-up Bo Bice has revealed his views on why the show could suffer if Paula Abdul was not one of the judges. Bice, 33, who got the chance to entertain troops in Afghanistan, said that the show would not make it if Abdul were not on it.
“If you took away Randy or you took away Paula or you took away Simon, you’re changing the dynamic of what made the show great,” a news channel quoted him as saying. “I don’t think it could equally handle the loss on either end of which way the teeter tot goes, whether it be Simon or Paula. It’s like having a hit show, take Joey out of “Friends”… would it still be just as big of a hit?” he added. ANI