
Beyonce takes a tumbles on stage in Brazil

Beyonce took an embarrassing tumble on while performing a sold out concert in Brazil.

Los Angeles: R&B superstar Beyonce is a seasoned pro at performing in killer heels but she took an embarrassing tumble on while performing a sold out concert in Brazil. The `Single Ladies` hitmaker who won six golden gramophones at the recent Grammy awards, slipped on stage during her concert in Florianopolis but managed to stop herself from having a major fall, reported Daily Mail online.
The 28-year-old singer was walking to the side of the circular stage when her right foot slipped forward. But the quick-thinking singer managed to put her left hand out to support her as she crashed to the floor. After singing as few lines on the floor and trying to catch her breath, Beyonce stood up again and carried on performing. The superstar had famously slipped down a flight of stairs on stage in Orlando three years ago. The singer who is married to rap mogul Jay-Z had begged fans not to put the video on YouTube after she was seen stepping on her trench coat and falling down 12 stairs and landing on her face. The Florianopolis gig was a part of the former Destiny`s Child singer`s exhausting 105-date tour which began from Canada last March. In between gigs, she managed to find time to attend the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles a week ago, where she won six accolades, and promote her new fragrance `Heat` in New York last Tuesday. PTI