
William Shatner gives Turkey frying safety tips ahead of Thanksgiving

In a new Thanksgiving safety video titled ‘Eat, fry. Love’, William Shatner offers tips to those who plan to fry their birds for the day.

New York: In a new Thanksgiving safety video titled ‘Eat, fry. Love’, William Shatner offers tips to those who plan to fry their birds for the day.
The 80-year-old actor shares his love for fried turkey by teaching how to do it safely in an ad for the insurance company State Farm. In a dramatic re-enactment, Shatner sits at his table, longing for a “moister, tastier turkey”, and then purchases a turkey fryer, complete with instruction tome, thermometer and “dingle-dangle”, but his arrogance and longing for deep fried bird lands him in hot oil. “In my hunger, I ignored safety. I spat in the face of science,” the New York Daily News quoted him as saying. Transfixed by the thought of eating the crispy bird, he foolishly drops the bird into the pot of boiling oil. In a dazzle of special effects that nearly rival the first season of ‘Star Trek’, the actor becomes engulfed in flames and must put himelf out. Heartbroken, but somehow, not covered in third degree burns, Shatner throws away his beloved turkey fryer. “I loved you, but you only brought me pain,” he said. In the end, the ‘Boston Legal’ star learns a healthy respect for the dangerous combination of oil, turkey and metal. “William Shatner loves deep-fried turkey, but over many Thanksgivings and Christmases he’s made mistakes, burned himself, and nearly burned down his house,” the insurance company said. “Bill shows us how dangerous turkey fryers can be,” the company added. ANI