
Valentine’s Day - Dating Tips

“I love you” – These three words which sum up the feelings for that someone special in your life.

Shruti Saxena
The air is again abuzz with love and romance as Valentine’s Day is here. This day is the rose of romance which springs from the seed of love. It is that day when the chords of heart dance to the tunes of love and one is engrossed in thinking about ideas for a perfect date to ensure a romantic and memorable time with his/her beloved. In case you are looking for a perfect Valentine’s Day dating idea, here are some tips to inspire the creative cells in your brain and heart! So guys spruce up your Valentine’s Day by following these tips and just woo her with your dating ideas.
Movie and candle lit dinner This is an ideal and an all time favorite Valentine’s Day dating idea amongst lovers. If both of you are total Bollywood fans, then you can ask her out for a movie. (Note: Don’t just keep staring at her, but exchange small glances in the middle of the movie and Enjoy!) After the movie, take her out for a candle lit dinner. Till the time the order is being served, you can read out a romantic poem holding your lover’s hand for greater and more bewitching impact. (Guys please note, romantic isn’t sexual.) And please, be a gentleman and pay the entire bill yourself as it is your first date, even if she insists on contributing. After that you can always share if both of you are comfortable with it. Gifts Surprise her by giving a gift. Girls just love gifts. Remember, it need not be expensive but it should be straight from the heart. Candy, flowers, jewellery or knick knacks would be suitable. You can also create something just for fun. Make a personalized gift basket filling it with her favorite items. Another exceptional idea is to take her down the memory lane by gifting her an album – but try to stick to photos of just two of you. And if you haven’t expressed your love so far, this is the time. Write your partner a letter. Write a heartfelt note, even if it’s only a page-long and tell your partner how wonderful she is. It would really be appreciated. (Note: Making too big an effort can give the other person the wrong idea. Make sure you don’t do or say anything you'll regret later.) Dancing Another good idea is taking her out to a nice restaurant this Valentine’s Day and till the time the meal is being served, surprise her by requesting her to dance with you for a while on a romantic number. (Note: Don’t pressurize her if she says no.) If she says yes, go on. Hold her hand softly and then just let her be herself. Around the city in a day Plan a short trip with your beloved this Valentine’s Day. You may show each other your favorite spots or places where you grew up, like school, college, favourite hang-out spots but no office please. This would strengthen your relationship and help you get to know each other better. Meal time You must have gone to restaurants many times, but this Valentine’s Day try cooking a meal with your beloved. It would be great fun! Or you can do something exceptionally romantic like making her favorite dinner or laying her favorite dessert out on a tray. Treat her like a princess and trust me, she would love it. ‘Hara Kiri’ adventure ideas If you and your partner enjoy adventure sports, plan out something on Valentine’s Day! You can opt for river-rafting, paragliding, boating or any other activity that is possible in your vicinity. Do remember to drop your beloved to her home as she might be tired. And last but certainly not the least, enjoy each other’s company and have a Valentine’s Day date you will remember forever.