
Blanchett trusts Emu oil for skin

 Actress Cate Blanchett, 45, says she swears by the power of Emu oil for keeping her skin in check.

Blanchett trusts Emu oil for skin

Los Angeles: Actress Cate Blanchett, 45, says she swears by the power of Emu oil for keeping her skin in check.

"I tend to use really basic creams, and I like to put an oil on, like an emu oil from Australia. It’s from the Emu (bird) and it’s really nourishing. I prefer an oil to a cream," quoted her as saying.

"In indigenous Australian culture, that’s the first oil they put on a baby because it’s so hydrating. It’s all pretty basic," she added. 

The product is made from oil taken from the fatty tissue on an Emu's back.