
Won't let any political party come on this stage: Anna Hazare

The social reformer also said that whoever joins the movement will have to sign an affidavit which states that they will neither join any political party/group nor will contest elections.

Won't let any political party come on this stage: Anna Hazare

NEW DELHI: Social activist Anna Hazare on Saturday sternly said that he will not tolerate involvement of any political party or group in the hunger strike which he started a day ago at Delhi's Ram Lila Maidan. "I will not let any political party or group to come on this stage," he said.

The social reformer also said that whoever joins the movement will have to sign an affidavit which states that they will neither join any political party/group nor will contest elections. They will ensure service to the country, the society and maintain good character.

"Whoever joins the movement, signs affidavit which states, that they'll neither join any political party/group nor will contest elections, ensure service to country, society and maintain good character," he said.

Anna Hazare called for an indefinite fast on Friday nearly seven years after his anti-corruption movement shook the then Central government led by prime minister Manmohan Singh in 2011. March 23 was chosen as the date to begin the fast as Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged to death on this day by the British.

Hitting out at the Narendra Modi led government, Anna called all politicians 'fraud'. "Farmers are suffering and politicians are not capable to rule people. I will fight till the last breath," he said.

On the first day one of his protest, the agitation of social activist Anna Hazare witnessed the participation of about 5,000-6,000 people, mainly from Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Assam. 

He started fast against the Narendra Modi led Central government and pressed for setting up a Lokpal at the Centre and Lokayuktas in the states to probe corruption cases. He is also pressing in to bring in new electoral reforms and implementation of the MS Swaminathan Committee report to address the agrarian crisis in the country.