
Government committed to tackling corruption: Narayanasamy

The government is committed to tackling corruption and measures have been taken to ensure a corruption-free administration, Minister of State in the Prime Minister`s Office V. Narayanasamy said.

New Delhi: The government is committed to tackling corruption and measures have been taken to ensure a corruption-free administration, Minister of State in the Prime Minister`s Office V. Narayanasamy said Sunday. "Several initiatives have been taken to provide a government that is corruption-free, transparent, accountable and responsive at all times," said Narayanasamy at the national editors conference here.
The minister listed the RTI act, Lokpal Bill 2011, Whistle Blowers Protection Bill 2011, the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organisations Bill 2011 and other measures as part of efforts to provide a transparent and corruption-free administration. Refuting the Lokpal Bill was brought after the Anna Hazare agitation, Narayanasamy said the prime minister had constituted a Group of Ministers (GOM) about five months before the agitation to consider measures for tackling corruption. The minister said the GoM looked into issues such as state funding of elections, fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption, ensuring full transparency in public procurement and contracts and relinquishing discretionary powers enjoyed by ministers, among others. "Lokpal Bill 2011 has been passed by the Lok Sabha. The bill was then referred to the Rajya Sabha," he said. The minister said the government is resolute to protect honest officers and such officers who expose corruption. "The government has formulated Whistle Blowers Protection Bill 2011, which has been passed by the Lok Sabha and is now pending in the Rajya Sabha," he said. To check bribery of foreign public officials, the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organisations Bill 2011 had been introduced in the Lok Sabha, he said. The Prevention of Corruption Act is also being amended to bring corruption in the private sector under its purview, he added. IANS