
`Double-edged` DRS making umpiring tougher than 20 years back, says Taufel

Former Test umpire Simon Taufel has said that technology and reviews have put more pressure on umpires and have created a `double edge` for them, adding that decision-making in the game is tougher now than it was 20 years ago.

London: Former Test umpire Simon Taufel has said that technology and reviews have put more pressure on umpires and have created a `double edge` for them, adding that decision-making in the game is tougher now than it was 20 years ago.
According to the Guardian, the Australian, who works as an umpire-training manager for the International Cricket Council ( ICC), discussed the Decision Review System ( DRS), which has been severely criticised during the current Ashes series following a number of controversial decisions.
Stating that technology had created more `armchair` umpires, Taufel, a former elite umpire, said that decision making is more tougher now than it was when he started umpiring as more people see evidence which umpires did not get to see on the ground 22 years ago. According to Taufel, he believes that whatever system is in place, decisions will never be completely perfect, adding that anyone watching the game at the ground, on the giant replay screen or on TV, will assess each and every decision of the umpires and also make an overall judgment of their performance. Arguing that new technology has the ability to bring out both the best and the worst in the game, Taufel also said that nowadays, the decision of the umpires are examined by cameras from every direction including slow motion, ultra-motion, Hot Spot front on, Hot Spot leg-side, Hot Spot off-side, ball tracking and prediction, Snicko, stump audio and the mat. Taufel further said that a number of `armchair` experts have come up as nowadays everyone umpires the game by watching television, adding that the invasive nature of broadcasting has a double edge to it as it puts more pressure on players and umpires. Taufel also believed that it is crucial for the integrity of the game that umpires remain from neutral countries but said the authorities had to be practical in their use of technology. ANI