
Film claiming porn pics of Obama’s mom circulated

As part of the election dirty tricks, an anti-Obama documentary that claims the President’s mother once posed for pornographic photos wearing bondage gear is being sent to millions of voters in swing states.

London: As part of the election dirty tricks, an anti-Obama documentary that claims the President’s mother once posed for pornographic photos wearing bondage gear is being sent to millions of voters in swing states.
The shocking claims made in the DVD have provoked fury among Democrats and are likely to trigger outrage in the White House. ‘Dreams From My Real Father’, made by a right-wing film-maker who is a long-time critic of Obama, includes images of a woman it claims is the President’s mother Ann Dunham clad in leather gloves, boots and a corset posing seductively on a couch. The film also alleges that Obama’s real father is left wing poet and Communist party activist Frank Marshall Davis, and that Dunham’s marriage was a ‘sham’ to cover this up. The extraordinary claims, which have added a twist in the debunked ‘birther’ conspiracy which has raised questions over Obama’s past, could have serious consequences as more than one million copies have been mailed to voters in Ohio, a key swing state where Mitt Romney is lagging in the polls. Some 100,000 copies have also been sent to voters in Nevada and the same number to New Hampshire - with up to three million more still to come. ‘Dreams From My Real Father’ claims that the President’s family history is an elaborate lie. The real story is that his mother’s marriage to Barack Obama Sr was a sham to cover up her affair with Davis, who Obama has referred to as his ‘mentor’. Davis supposedly photographed Dunham whilst she was pregnant with Obama and sold the photos to 1950s magazines with titles like ‘Bizarre Life’, ‘Exotique’, and ‘Secret Pleasures’. In one, the woman is posing wearing the corset, gaudy earrings and a large necklace with her hair cut short. In another photo she sits on a couch staring into the camera and in the other she is putting on an elbow length black leather glove. In a third she is reclining on the couch with her buttocks clearly visible and in others she is naked apart from a pair of high heels. The narrator in the film is supposed to be the current US President. “These photos were taken a few weeks before 1960, when mom was about five weeks pregnant with me,” the Daily Mail quoted the narrator as saying. “Frank then sold the photos to men’s mail-order catalogues,” he added. ANI