
Botox use becoming as common as hair dye for blasé Gen Y

For young women, using Botox has become as acceptable as dying hair.

Melbourne: For young women, using Botox has become as acceptable as dying hair, say cosmetic surgeons.
While older women are more concerned with fixing lines and wrinkles, women in their 20s are flocking to change the shape of their eyebrows and lips, the experts said.
Dr Gabrielle Caswell, head of the Cosmetic Physicians Society, says young women are turning to Botox to follow fleeting fashion trends. "A lot of the girls are using it as a fashion trend," quoted Caswell saying. "They do like the plump lips ... and it`s very trendy to have flanged outer eyebrows," Caswell added. Caswell said that some young women also had frown-lines flattened, but the overwhelming majority just want a new style. Bondi cosmetic surgeon Michael Zacharia said reshaped eyebrows were particularly popular with young women. "I see quite a number of younger patients coming through. More often, I see the younger ones coming in and ask for their eyebrows to be lifted," Zacharia said. ANI