
Novoselic runs for office to protest rules

Krist Novoselic has entered the race to become county clerk in Wahkiakum!

Washington, June 06: Former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic has entered the race to become county clerk in Wahkiakum County, Washington, to protest the way the state elects officials.He is running for office on behalf of the fictional Grange Party, reports Contactmusic.
He strongly believes that the State’s policy on allowing candidates to name the political parties they are affiliated to should be changed.
According to him, the rule being followed by officials in Washington allows electoral candidates to "confuse voters". Besides Nirvana, Novoselic has also played for Sweet 75, Eyes Adrift, and most recently in Flipper. He has also been writing a weekly column on music and politics for Seattle Weekly`s website since November 2007. ANI