
Hot and sexy Lily Allen turns up for Ashes in see-through top

Pop star Lily Allen seems to have mastered the art of getting the maximum attention.

London: Pop star Lily Allen seems to have mastered the art of getting the maximum attention.The 24-year-old singer, who had previously expressed a desire to become a cricket commentator, surprised onlookers by stripping down to a see-through dress.
The singer turned up at Oval here in a demure lacy back jacket and leopart-print scarf for the Fifth Test.
But as the afternoon wore on, and the English wickets fell, Allen stripped off her clothes, Daily Mail reported. Allen also took the opportunity to flaunt her new boyfriend builder Sam Cooper and it was only a week ago that she was insisting she was `just friends` with Cooper. The singer, who is a keen blogger, continued to update the game on her Twitter page. "Collingwood is dull. He`ll probably still be batting when I`m back here at the Oval on Saturday, having scored no runs," she wrote. Bureau Report