
Arizona immigration law is racist and foolish: Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba has slammed the new Arizona state immigration rules, branding the legislation "a very racist, foolish law".

London: Jessica Alba has slammed the new Arizona state immigration rules, branding the legislation "a very racist, foolish law".
The `Sin City` star was part of a star-studded public service announcement (PSA) taking a stand against the law, which gives Arizona police new powers to arrest and detain anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant, reported Contactmusic.
The 29-year-old actress insists she`ll carry on fighting the regulation as it`s an issue she and Robert Rodriguez, her `MaChete` director, feel strongly about. "It`s always been a relevant issue, for me and for Robert, because we grew up with that reality and it just happened to be that a state did something really, really foolish and passed a very racist, foolish law," said Alba. "There`s no way we can change it if we all just sit back and do nothing, so it`s about engaging and getting people to stand up for their rights," she added. PTI